Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How Do You Measure a Year?

One year. Twelve months. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred minutes. They all mean the same thing, but how do YOU measure a year?

So much has happened to me in the last 365 days and words could never do the memories and the moments the justice they deserve. I had my ups, my downs, my successes & my failures. I've learned many lessons, I've had moments of letting go and a year of significant change in many aspects of my life. 
When I sit here and reflect on the past year I can't help but be in awe of the adventures I fit in, the challenges I accepted and honestly the things I learnt about myself-- some good and some not so good. Which means room for growth in 2013.

Because words could never do this year justice, I chose to just include a timeline of pictures of some significant moments over the year to tell my story. 

January: Flew to the City of Angeles for a few days :)
TTB Event meant I got to finally see Joy perform & meet her after 7 years of agony!
February: Threw a surprise party for the dad's big 5-O.
& of course we threw a combined party for Matt's 16th. How embarrassing is it that we have the same glasses...?  
March: Finally got to see Gavin Degraw live :) Totally thought I was going to get frost bite waiting in line that evening. 
That same week I got to see Kelly Clarkson in MY city. This never happens tbh, bless the fact that we are actually getting big names now. 
April: The first to celebrate their 21st year of life was Pheebs!  
May: After multiple failed attempts I was finally able to get my butt to see Tyler perform live AND I convinced my mother to let me drive on over to Michigan with my friends. As if those weren't two accomplishments in a day, creeping around to meet him after the event AND telling him about how he lied to us in ILM with him taking my phone for proof made it an amazing night :) 
June: I was able to go to the hoedown in Detroit to see Jana perform on her home turf which was most definitely a tear jerker for her turned into a tear jerker for me. Here she was doing an on-air interview with the local radio station.  
July: It was finally time to get my butt back to Wilmington, but this time, post-OTH and as a family trip. 14 hours in a van together meant I needed some good tunes, the passenger seat, a turn at driving through Virginia and OTH to keep me occupied.
Our own little corner, quite literally for a number of days the summer prior <3 "I like that the street is called Grace, I've never met anybody with as much of it as you."
August: Road trip time with Jenna & Kianna from Chicago to Fort Wayne, IN to watch Jana perform before the monsterous storm touched down. 
Since we have mad Wilmington hunting skills we were able to catch Jana before she got on her tour bus <3 
Of course we went back to Chicago for the last two days together and did the touristy thing and shopping :)
Naturally my bestfriend happened to turn 21, six days before me :) <3 
September: Time for me to turn 21 :| As excited as I was to finally be 21 and legal in the U.S. it made me realize just how old I am getting and how much life was going to start changing. 
A not so pleasant snap-shot of me during my family birthday celebration.
Pheebs made me a pretty kick-ass card this year.  
October: I got to spend a night out with some wonderful ladies I have been blessed with as friends this year. This was Steph's 22nd birthday :) 
November: I was given the honour of confirming my first cousin in our faith. 
December meant Vegas: The sole reason I entered this trip was to knock seeing Shania Twain off my bucket list, I DID IT :)  
Christmas Eve the bestfriend actually came over for a little while which may have been the highlight of my night :) 
Taya & I Christmas Eve <3
New Years Eve with Pheebs <3

Friday, July 20, 2012

Wise Words by Peyton Sawyer

This conversation between Peyton and Derek in 608 is so relevant.

P: "I think we're all looking for a life that makes sense somehow, and I am very, very happy for you that you found that."

D: "And have you found that?"

P: "Yes. I have. I mean it sneaks up on you, right? But one day you look at your life, and it has purpose, and someone that makes you feel very special, and friends. And it's like all of a sudden, all the time and pain that it took to get there, it just doesn't matter anymore."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9th

So many options...

May 8th

nts: I never post pictures when I work those days, unless I actually do something after work.

Finally got to see it! I'm obsessed.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6th

Cousins communion today= first time wearing my new Maxi dress. LOVE.

Saturday, May 5, 2012